সিডনী শুক্রবার, ২০শে সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪, ৫ই আশ্বিন ১৪৩১

'Gandhi Jayanti' hosted for the first time at the Parliament of NSW

Press Release: Commemoration of Mahatma Gandhi’s 153rd Birth Anniversary

৬ অক্টোবর ২০২২ ০২:৪৩

২০ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ ০৭:১১

Pic: Saroni Roy


Sydney, 1st October, 2022 – The MAHATMA Peace Symposium 2022, the flagship initiative by Saroni Roy Foundation (SRf), a tribute to the global peace hero Mahatma Gandhi and the commemoration of his 153rd Birth Anniversary or 'Gandhi Jayanti' was hosted for the first time, at the Parliament of NSW on the 28th of September 2022.
MAHATMA Peace Symposium aims to increase public awareness and understanding of Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of sustainability, real-development & Ahimsa (non-violence) as a non-violent approach to foster lasting peace within and across diverse & vulnerable communities, thereby accelerating inclusive, networked multilateralism with vision, ambition and impact, integral for a sustainable world.
“In 2022 with the world enduring the ebbs and flows of the pandemic, MPS 2022 focussed on the Gandhian philosophy/concept of Ahimsa (non-violence) addressing ‘multi-dimensional poverty’ as the worst form of violence, and its articulation in the UN-SDGs. We at SRf believe that Inclusive & peaceful societies lead to prosperous economies.” said, Saroni Roy, Founder & Director, Saroni Roy Foundation, and Creator & Producer of MAHATMA Peace Symposium.
The Gandhian values of Ahimsa — social action, justice and peace through non-violence — have universal relevance today, inform this Peace Symposium and perfectly align with Saroni Roy Foundation (SRf) & SRf Creatists’s core principles of ‘Diversity, Sustainability & Social Justice’ to create a more peaceful, more inclusive ‘One World’ to live and love.

The MPS 2022 also highlights and showcases ‘Australia Celebrating India’s 75 Years of Independence’ – Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, in backdrop of the AI-ECTA, celebrating and strengthening Australia-India friendship/dosti.
These ethos were also articulated by The Hon. Julian Leeser MP, Federal Member for Berowra, through his video message screened at the event.
MPS 2022 was presented with the support of Hon. Matt Kean MP, Member for Hornsby, NSW Treasurer and Minister for Energy, in the presence of parliamentarians and dignitaries including Hon. Consul General of India, Sydney, Mr. Manish Gupta & Mrs. Nimeesha Gupta, Hon. Mark Coure MP, Member for Oatley, Minister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Seniors, Hon. Jason Yat-sen Li MP, State Member for Strathfield, Hon. Scott Farlow MLC, Government Whip in the Legislative Council, Deputy Mayor Barbara Ward, Councillors & multicultural community leaders and peacebuilders from diverse parts of NSW.
The event featured the recital of the poem ‘The Call’ – a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy, written by the prolific writer & poet, Hon. Mrs Nimeesha Gupta followed by a live concert by actor & artist Saroni Roy, powered by SRf Creatists. Saroni moved and mesmerised the audience by her performance of a medley of Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite songs in three languages, namely, ‘Vaishnav Jan To’, ‘Raghupati Raghav’, ‘Ekla Cholo Re’, showcasing CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) artists from India and Australia, as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and to all creatives and artists creating a peaceful, inclusive world through art, capturing the essence of SRf Creatists. Adapting to the pandemic restrictions, Saroni remotely worked with musicians/artists based in India to curate this authentic and exquisite piece of art, ensconced in the Gandhian values of Ahimsa, courage, determination, solidarity, harmony and peace.
“As an actor, singer, dancer and connoisseur of the arts, I truly believe that art is a platform that showcases and also weaves together diverse cultures. It transcends all barriers, and doesn't conform to the limitations of language, faith, geography, race or nationality. If we look at some of the diverse ethnicities that have come together today, many of us, have experienced loss, war and conflict in our homeland. Art & artists, are therefore an integral catalyst in uniting people, celebrating our rich cultural heritage, and perpetuating a culture of peace and harmony.” said, Saroni Roy, Director, SRf Creatists.
The Global Peacebuilders Forum 2022, a panel discussion & global multicultural community forum, a call-for-action to peacebuilders, artists, government leaders, advocacy, media and academia worldwide, for a global partnership, to create a shared blueprint to achieve a better, peaceful and more sustainable future for all.
The panel featured pioneers of peacebuilding like Steve Killelea AM, Founder, Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), Nobel Peace Prize Nominee & Author, Peace in the Age of Chaos, Tim Ford AO, Vice President (Operations) United Nations Association of Australia NSW Division - UNAA NSW and former UN Peacekeeper, Nola Turner-Jensen, Director, The 5 Bats Company, Lead - CultuRecode Project, Saroni Roy, & Moderator, Kartik Mohandas, and focussed on applying the Gandhian principles of sarvodaya, social inclusion, prosperity, solidarity and partnership to address ‘multidimensional poverty’ and the ‘5-P’s of Peacebuilding’: People: ‘Leave no one behind’, inclusive societies; Peace: Ahimsa/non-violence & giving people agency; Planet: Our relationship with the Planet. Mindful consumption, protecting the environment; Prosperity: Economy, Multidimensional poverty; Partnership: Significance of collaboration, networked multilateralism, in times of crisis. Shared responsibility and global solidarity.
The event proceedings concluded with a formal vote of thanks to dignitaries, sponsors, media partners, volunteers, and supporting community-organisations, followed by a community-networking over refreshments.

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